Sightings June 26th, 2019: Today we saw many Pilot whales, several groups of active Bottlenose dolphins, often near the pilot whales, and many Atlantic spotted dolphins, playful as always.
We were lucky enough to see a male pilot whale that was curious about us and came within a meter of the boat, he was huge!
Fotos gracias a Mirna Piñero Mesa
Recent sightings off the coast of La Gomera
- Speedy boat & Crew on holidays between 21.06. until 27.07.2022
- 05.02.2022: five Bryde’s whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 29.01.2022: Pilot whales
- 22. & 23.12..2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 15.12.2021: Tour to Los Organos
- 13.12.2021: Pilot whales
- 2. & 5.12.2021: Pilot whales
- Speedy out of order between November 22nd till 30th 2021
- 19.11.2021: Pilot whales
- 18.11.2021: Pilot whales & later Los Organos
- 12.11.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & saved Shearwater
- 11.11.2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & a dead Sperm whale
- 7.11.2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & one Beaked whale
- 28.10.2021: Pilot whales, Striped dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.10.2021: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 23.10.2021: Pilot whales
- 17.10.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Beaked whales
- 1.10.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 30.09.2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 24.09.2021: Pilot whales
- 23.09.2021: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 22.09.2021: Bottlenose dolphins
- 20.09.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17.09.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Leatherback sea turtle & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 16.09.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 4.09.2021: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 23.08.2021: Striped, Bottlenose and Spotted dolphins, a Bryde’s whale & Pilot whales
- 22.08.2021: Pilot whales
- 19.08.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15. – 18.08.2021: Rough-toothed dolphins, Bottlenose & Striped dolphins, Bryde’s whale & Pilot whales
- 06.08.2021: Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Hammerhead shark
- 03.08.2021: Pilot whales in Argaga Bay & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 26.07.2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14. – 17.07.2021: Bottlenose, Spotted, Striped dolphins, Bryde’s whale & Pilot whales
- 17.06.2021: Pilot whales & a dead calf
- 10.06.2021: Pilot whales, Loggerhead sea turtle & two Ospreys
- 7.06.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Osprey
- 03.06.2021: Pilot whales right next to the boat
- 31.05.2021: Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & sea turtle
- 27.05.2021: Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.05.2021: Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & two Ospreys
- 19. & 20.05.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 15.05.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 8.05.2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & a Loggerhead sea turtle
- 1.05.2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.04.2021: Bryde’s whale, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 30.01.2021: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 22. & 24.01.2021: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 19.01.2021: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 14.01.2021: Pilot whales
- 30.12.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 22.12.2020: Tour to Los Organos
- 21.12.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 19.12.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 18.12.2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 13.12.2020: Tour to Los Organos
- 10.12.2020: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 09.12.2020: Pilot whales
- 7. & 8.12.2020: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17. / 18. / 21.11.2020: Tour to Los Organos
- 20.11.2020: Pilot whales
- 16. & 17.11.2020: Pilot whales
- 12.11.2020: Pilot whales
- 9. & 10.11.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 5.11.2020: many Pilot whales
- 16.10.2020: Tour to Los Organos
- 31.08. & 2.09.2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 2.09.2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Los Organos
- 29.08.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & a Leatherback sea turtle
- 24.08.2020: lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 22.08.2020: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 18.08.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.08.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 12.08.2020: Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Osprey
- 11.08.2020: Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 7.08.2020: Los Organos, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 27.07.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 20.07.2020: Bryde’s whale with calf, Loggerhead sea turtles & jumping tunas
- 18.07.2020: Los Organos / Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 13.07.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 7.07.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 3.07.2020 – first tour: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 12.03.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 11.03.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 9.03.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 6.03.2020: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 3.03.2020: Pilot whales
- 1.03.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 28.02.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 22.02.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.02.2020: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 8. – 11.02.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 2.02.2020: Bottlenose dolphins
- 26.01.2020: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & many Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 20.01.2020: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 16.01.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 30.12.2019: a huge pod of Bottlenose dolphins & Los Organos
- 23.12.2019: a huge Orca male, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 19.12.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 17.12.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & a Loggerhead sea turtle
- NO SPEEDY tours during December 2nd until 12th, 2019
- 28.11.2019: Pilot whales
- 21.11.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 18.11.2019: Short-finned pilot whales
- 14.-17.11.2019: Short-finned pilot whales
- 7.11.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & a Loggerhead sea turtle
- 4.11.2019: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 15.10.2019: Bryde’s whale with calf & Bottlenose dolphins
- 9.10.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Next Speedy tour on Wednesday October 9th, 2019
- As of 9.09. SPEEDY on the shipyard for about 2-3 weeks
- 2.09.2019: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26.08.2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & 2 Loggerhead sea turtles
- 25.08.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 22.08.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 18.08.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 13.08.2019: Spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Bryde’s whale & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 12.08.2019: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtles
- 9.08.2019: Pilot whales
- 8.08.2019: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 6.08.2019: countless Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 3.08.2019: 8 to 10 Sperm whales
- 1.08.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 29.07.2019: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 28.07.2019: Rough-toothed, Striped, Common & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 24.07.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.07.2019: Rough-toothed dolphins & many Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 17.07.2019: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15.07.2019: Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 12.07.2019: a Sperm whale, Striped dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 11.07.2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle
- 10.07.2019: Rough-toothed dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 7.07.2019: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 5.07.2019: Striped dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 4.07.2019: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 2.07.: Cuvier’s beaked whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 1.07.2019: Cuvier’s beaked whales, Atlantic spotted & Pilot whales
- 30.06.2019: a Bryde’s whale, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 28. & 29.06.2019: Pilot whales, lots of Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 26.06.2019: Pilot whales, playful Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.06.2019: two Bryde’s whales & a huge group of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 6.06.2019: Pilot whales, lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 4.06.2019: Common dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 1.06.2019: countless Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 28.05.2019: Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 27.05.2019: Common dolphins & Pilot whales
- 25.05.2019: many Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 23.05.2019: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 21.05.2019: 12 Sperm whales, Bottlenose and spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 19.05.2019: Bryde’s whales, dolphins, Pilot whales, sea turtle & Hammerhead sharks
- 18.05.2019: Rough-toothed dolphins, Bottlenose and spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & sea turtles
- 17.05.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & many Pilot whales
- 16.05.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 15.05.2017: Rough-toothed dolphins, Common dolphins & Pilot whales
- 11.05.2019: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 9.05.2019: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 16.04.2019: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15.04.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 8.04.2019: Short-finned pilot whales
- 1.04.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 30.03.2019:Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtles
- 23.03.2019: Common dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 19.03.2019: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 18.03.2019: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 10.03.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 2.03.2019: Common dolphins
- 1.03.2019: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.02.2019: Bryde’s whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 19.02.2019: Bryde’s whales, Cuvier’s beaked whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 10.02.2019: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 09.02.2019: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales, Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 03.02.2019: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 31.01.2019: Sperm whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 21.-27.01.2019: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Bryde´s whales & sea turtle
- 17.01.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 03.01.2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 27.12.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bryde’s whale
- 24.12.2018: Merry Christmas
- 11.12.2018: Bryde’s whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 9.12.2018: two playful Bryde’s whales
- 4.12.2018: Short-finned pilot whales
- 2.12.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Flying fish
- 28. & 29.11.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26. & 27.11.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 20. & 21.11.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey
- 17. & 18.11. Bad weather with high waves
- 15. & 16.11.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.11.2018: Pilot whales
- 10.11.2018: many Pilot whales
- 7.11.2018: four Fin whales & Pilot whales
- 4.11.2018: about 20 Sperm whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 29.10. to 3.11.2018: all days Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 28.10.2018: a Humpback whale with Pilot Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins
- 25.10.2018: 5 Sperm whales, Pilot Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins
- 23.10.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 21.10.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whale & Bottlenose dolphin
- 18. / 19. / 20.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 11.10.2018: Pilot whales
- 10.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins
- 8.10.2018: about 20 Sperm whales, Pilot Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins
- 07.10.2018: Cuvier’s beaked whale & shark of about 3 meters
- 05.10.2018: Bryde’s whale & Pilot whale
- 3.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 2.10.2018: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 29.09.2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose, Striped & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 24.09.2018: Striped dolphins, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 21.09.2018: Common dolphins, Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales and other dolphins
- 18.09.2018: Bryde’s whales & Striped dolphins
- 16.09.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15.09.2018: 4 Common Minke whales, 2 Bryde´s whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 13.09.2018: Rough-toothed dolphins & Pilot whales
- 12.09.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 7. to 9.09.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 06.09.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whale & Bottlenose dolphin
- 5.09.2018: Rough-toothed dolphins together with Pilot whales & Common dolphins
- 4.09.2018: Common dolphins
- 3.09.2018: many Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 2.09.2018: Bryde’s whale & Striped dolphins
- 01.09.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & a Loggerhead sea turtle
- 28.08.2018: Bryde’s whale together with Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25. & 26.08.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 24.08.2018: Cuvier’s beaked whales, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 21.08.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 20.08.2018: Orcas (Killer whales) & Pilot whales
- 17. & 18.08.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 16.08.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 15.08.2018: Pilot whales
- 14.08.2018: Bryde’s whales, Blainville’s beaked whales, Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.08.2018: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 10.& 11.08.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 8.08.2018: huge Bryde’s whales, very active Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 6. & 7.08.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 4.08.2018: Common dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 03.08.2018: Striped dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 02.08.2018: Striped dolphins, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 1.08.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 31.07.2018: Bryde’s whale with calf, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 28.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26.07.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 25.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 24.07.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 23.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 19.07.2018: a huge Sperm whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 18.07.2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 16.07.2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.07.2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Sea turtles
- 11.-13.07.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 10.07.2018: Bottlenose dolphins
- 9.07.2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 5. – 7.07.2018: many Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 4.07.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 2. & 3.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 1.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 30.06.2018 – Tours to Los Organos
- 10.-27.06.2018: Sperm whales, Cuvier’s beaked whale, Rough-toothed dolphins, Striped & Fraser’s dolphins
- 26.06.2018: Fraser’s dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.06.2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 8.06.2018: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 5.06.2018: Fraser’s dolphins, also known as Sarawak dolphins and more
- 4.06.2018: 10 Sperm whales, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 2. & 3.06.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 30.05.2018: playfully Bottlenose dolphins, many Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 29.05.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 28.05.2018: Hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 26.05.2018: a dead Minke whale in the port of Valle Gran Rey
- 24. + 25.05.2018: Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey
- 23.05.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 22.05.2018: Los Organos / Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 19. & 20.05.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 17.05.2018: Bryde´s whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 16.05.2018: Pilot whales, Albatross & a Loggerhead sea turtle freed from trash
- 15.05.2018: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Albatrosses
- 14.05.2018: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.05.2018: Pilot whales, three Loggerhead sea turtles & Osprey
- 12.05.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Speedy is back at service as of 8.05.
- 24.04.2018 – Speedy at the shipyard for a few days
- 19.04.2018: Sperm whales, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15.04.2018: many Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.04.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.04.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 02.04.2018: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 31.03.2018: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Striped dolphins
- 29.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 27.03.2018: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26.03.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 24.03.2018: Bryde´s whales, Common and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Ospreys
- 18.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 12.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 5. & 9.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 25.02. – 4.03.2018: all Speedy tours cancelled due to bad weather
- 20.02.2018: Pilot whales, Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17.02.: Many different types of dolphins, Pilot whales & a Leatherback sea turtle
- 12.02.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 22.01.2018: Common dolphins, Pilot whales & Osprey
- 4.01.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 29.12.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 17.12.2017: Hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 16.12.2017: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.12.2017: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 10.12.2017: many Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Osprey
- 20.11.2017: Bottlenose dolphins, Striped dolphins, Blainville’s beaked whale & Whale-shark
- 18.11.2017: many Pilot whales
- 16.11.2017: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.11.2017: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Ospreys
- 11.11.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 30.10.2017: Sei whales & Bryde’s whales with calves, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 19.10.2017: Sperm whales, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 24.09.2017: many Pilot whales
- 18.09.2017: Blainville´s beaked whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17.09.2017: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 11.09.2017: several groups of Sperm whales
- 2.09.2017: Rough-toothed dolphins and Pilot whales
- 1.09.2017: Three Sperm whales
- 27.08.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 19.08.: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 12.08.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 8.08.2017: Sperm whales, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins
- 3.08.2017: Striped dolphins, Rough-toothed dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 31.07.2017: Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 29.07.2017: Striped dolphins, Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & more
- 27.07.2017: Risso’s dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 23.07.: lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 13.07.: Bryde´s whales, Striped dolphins, Common dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 10.07.: Fin whale with calf, Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey
- 8.07.2017: Sperm whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 12.06.2017: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26.05.: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 23.05.: Blowfish, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.05.: playful Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 21.05.: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turle & Osprey
- 16.-20.05.: Dolphins, Pilot whales, Blainville´s beaked whales, Osprey & Manta ray
- 15.05.: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 14.05.: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Hammerhead shark & Osprey
- 12.+13.05.: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 8.05.: Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 6.05.: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 29.04.: Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead Sea Turtle
- 10.04.: Orcas (Killer whales), Dolphins & Beaked whales
- 29.03.: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 27.03.2017: Blainville’s beaked whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 20.03.: Ocean sunfish, Bryde’s whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey
- 14.03.: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 13.03.: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 6.03.: Bryde´s whale, Pilot whales, different dolphins, sea turtle & Osprey
- 27.2.: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.2.: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins, Sea turtle & Osprey
- 6.2.2017: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtles
- 30.01.2017: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.01.2017: Bryde’s whale and an Osprey
- 23.1.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 16.01.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Common dolphins
- 1.12.2016: Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Whale Watching 21.11.2016: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- Sightings 14.11.2016: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins / La Gomera
- 26.09.2016: Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bryde’s whale
- Sightings 5.09.2016: Pilot whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- La Gomera 1.09.2016: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- Sighting 30.08.2016: Pilot whales
- Sighting 29.08.2016: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17.08.2016: Striped dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bryde´s whale & Ospreys
- Sighting 11.08.2016: Bryde’s whale, hundreds of Bottelnose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Sightings 4.04.2016: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Common Dolphins & Pilot whales
- Sightings 22.02.2016: Common Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins & Pilot whales
- Sighting 29.01.2016: hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales
- Sightings 18th January 2016: Bryde’s whales, Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- Sightings 3rd January 2016: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins
- Sightings 27th April 2015: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and a Loggerhead sea turtle
- 25th April 2015: Blainville’s beaked whales, Common dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle and Osprey
- Sighting 4.04.2015 – Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins
- Sighting 28.03.2015 – A Bryde’s Whale, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.06.2014 – Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- Sightings 6. June 2014: Striped Dolphin & Pilot whales
- Sighting 3. May 2014: Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins & Bryde’s whale
- Sightings 2. May 2014: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Sightings Thursday 1. May 2014: Atlantic Spotted Solphins & Bryde’s whales