Speedy boat & Crew on holidays between 21.06. until 27.07.2022 HOLIDAYS – The SPEEDY boat will be out of service during June 21st until July 27th 2022 for holidays. In »»»
05.02.2022: five Bryde’s whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings February 5th, 2022 – La Gomera: Today, we saw about five Bryde’s whales, which is fantastic as it is, »»»
22. & 23.12..2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings December 22nd and 23rd, 2021 – Valle Gran Rey: On both days, during our whale watching tours with the »»»
15.12.2021: Tour to Los Organos December 15th, 2021: Today the weather was good and we could realise a tour to the north coast to see »»»
2. & 5.12.2021: Pilot whales Sightings December 2nd & 5th, 2021: both days we got to observe Pilot whales. »»»
Speedy out of order between November 22nd till 30th 2021 Our Speedy Boat will be out of service from 22nd to 30th November 2021 as our captain is doing a »»»
19.11.2021: Pilot whales Sightings November 19th, 2021: Pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). »»»
18.11.2021: Pilot whales & later Los Organos Sightings November 18th, 2021: During our whale watching tour in the morning we saw Pilot whales, in the afternoon we »»»
12.11.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & saved Shearwater Sightings November 12th, 2021: Pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins and a saved Shearwater. »»»
11.11.2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & a dead Sperm whale Sightings from November 11th, 2021: Today we saw pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins, unfortunately also a dead sperm whale split »»»
7.11.2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & one Beaked whale Sightings November 7th 2021, La Gomera: Today we saw Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales, and one Beaked whales but we »»»
28.10.2021: Pilot whales, Striped dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings 28.10.2021 – La Gomera: Today we got to see Pilot whales, Striped dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
25.10.2021: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings October 25th, 2021: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
17.10.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Beaked whales Sightings October 17th 2021, La Gomera: During the first tour we saw Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales, »»»
1.10.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings October 1st 2021, La Gomera: During the first tour we saw Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins and during the »»»
30.09.2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings from September 30th, 2021: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
23.09.2021: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings September 23rd, 2021 La Gomera: Striped dolphins and also Pilot whales. »»»
22.09.2021: Bottlenose dolphins Sightings September 22nd, 2021 – Valle Gran Rey / Whale Watching: Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
20.09.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings September 20th, 2021 – Playa Santiago / La Gomera: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
17.09.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Leatherback sea turtle & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings September 17th, 2021 – La Gomera: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, a huge Leatherback sea turtle and a Loggerhead sea »»»
16.09.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings September 16th, 2021 – La Gomera: During both our whale watching tours today we saw Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
4.09.2021: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings Semptember 4th, 2021 – La Gomera: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
23.08.2021: Striped, Bottlenose and Spotted dolphins, a Bryde’s whale & Pilot whales Sightings August 23rd, 2021 – Valle Gran Rey: Today we were lucky enough to see 5 different species Striped dolphins, »»»
19.08.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings La Gomera August 19th, 2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
15. – 18.08.2021: Rough-toothed dolphins, Bottlenose & Striped dolphins, Bryde’s whale & Pilot whales Sightings August 15th till 18th, 2021 – Valle Gran Rey: In the last days we saw again many different cetaceens: »»»
06.08.2021: Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Hammerhead shark Sightings August 6th, 2021: a Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, a Loggerhead sea turtle and a Hammerhead shark. »»»
03.08.2021: Pilot whales in Argaga Bay & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings La Gomera August 3rd, 2021: Today a group of Pilot whales was spotted totally calm in the Argaga bay, »»»
26.07.2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 26th, 2021: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
14. – 17.07.2021: Bottlenose, Spotted, Striped dolphins, Bryde’s whale & Pilot whales Sightings July 14th till 17th, 2021 – Valle Gran Rey: This week we went out on three days and saw »»»
17.06.2021: Pilot whales & a dead calf Sightings June 17th, 2021 – La Gomera: Since last week, a mother pilot whale has been seen off the coast »»»
10.06.2021: Pilot whales, Loggerhead sea turtle & two Ospreys Sightings June 10th, 2021: Pilot whales, a Loggerhead sea turtle and two Ospreys. »»»
7.06.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Osprey Sightings June 7th, 2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales and an Osprey. »»»
03.06.2021: Pilot whales right next to the boat Sightings June 3rd, 2021 – La Gomera: Today we Pilot whales, a few of them came very close, they were »»»
31.05.2021: Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & sea turtle Sightings May 31st 2021 – Playa Santiago / La Gomera: Today we got to observe Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, »»»
27.05.2021: Bottlenose dolphins Sightings May 27th, 2021 – Valle Gran Rey / Whale Watching: Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
22.05.2021: Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & two Ospreys Sightings May 22nd, 2021: During today´s whale watching tour we saw Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and two Ospreys close »»»
19. & 20.05.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings Speedy Gomera Mai 19th and 20h, 2021: During our whale watching tours both days we saw Atlantic spotted dolphins »»»
15.05.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings in Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera May 15th, 2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
8.05.2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & a Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings May 8th, 2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
1.05.2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings May 1st, 2021: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
14.04.2021: Bryde’s whale, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings April 14th, 2021 – Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Today we saw a Bryde’s whale, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose »»»
30.01.2021: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings January 30th, 2021 – La Gomera: Today we saw very calm Blainville’s beaked whales swimming alongside our boat, as »»»
22. & 24.01.2021: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings La Gomera January 22nd & 24th, 2021: both days we saw Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
19.01.2021: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings January 19th, 2021: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
30.12.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings in Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera December 30th, 2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
22.12.2020: Tour to Los Organos December 22nd, 2020: Today we went along the north coast to observe the rock formation of Los Organos. »»»
21.12.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings December 21st, 2020 – La Gomera: today we saw Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
19.12.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings December 20th, 2020: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
18.12.2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings La Gomera December 18th, 2020: lots of Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins very close to the »»»
13.12.2020: Tour to Los Organos December 13th, 2020: Today we were able to realise the tour along the north coast up to the natural monument »»»
10.12.2020: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings December 10th, 2020: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
7. & 8.12.2020: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings December 7th & 8th, 2020: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
17. / 18. / 21.11.2020: Tour to Los Organos November 17th, 18th and 21st, 2020: The sea conditions were good for several days this week to realize excursions to »»»
16. & 17.11.2020: Pilot whales Sightings November 16th and 17th, 2020 – La Gomera: both days during our whale ewatching tours we saw many Pilot »»»
9. & 10.11.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings November 9th & 10th, 2020: On Monday going out from Playa Santiago and on Tuesday from Valle Gran Rey »»»
5.11.2020: many Pilot whales Sightings November 5th, 2020: today we saw lots and lots of Pilot whales. »»»
16.10.2020: Tour to Los Organos October 16th, 2020: Today the conditions of the sea allowed us to offer a tour to the north of the »»»
31.08. & 2.09.2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings 31.08. & 2.09. 2020: Two groups of students who visited La Gomera enjoyed beautiful tours on the Speedy boat »»»
2.09.2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Los Organos Sightings September 29th, 2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins, as well as Los Organos. »»»
29.08.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & a Leatherback sea turtle Sightings August 29th, 2020 – La Gomera: Today we saw Atlantic spoted dolphins and Pilot whales. Also we had the »»»
24.08.2020: lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings August 24th, 2020 – Playa Santiago / La Gomera: Today we saw a huge pod of Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
22.08.2020: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings August 22nd, 2020 – Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Today we enjoyed the sitghtings of Pilot whales and »»»
18.08.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings August 18th, 2020: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
13.08.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings August 13th, 2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
12.08.2020: Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Osprey Sightings August 12th, 2020: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and an Osprey. »»»
11.08.2020: Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings 11.08.2020: Today we encountered with Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
7.08.2020: Los Organos, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings of August 7th, 2020 – Valle Gran Rey: today we went up north, we saw Los Organos, Atlantic spotted »»»
27.07.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings July 27th, 2020: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
20.07.2020: Bryde’s whale with calf, Loggerhead sea turtles & jumping tunas Sightings July 20th, 2020 – La Gomera: today we saw a Bryde’s whale with her calf, various Loggerhead sea turtles »»»
18.07.2020: Los Organos / Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings July 18th, 2020: Today first we went to see Los Organos and later during the whale watching tour we »»»
13.07.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 13th 2020, La Gomera: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
7.07.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings July 7th, 2020 – Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Today we saw Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
3.07.2020 – first tour: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings La Gomera July 3rd, 2020: Step by step towards the new normality… during the first SPEEDY tour with Gomera »»»
12.03.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings March 12th, 2020 – Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
11.03.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings March 11th, 2020 – Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: During todays whale watching tour we found Bottlenose dolphins »»»
9.03.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings March 9th, 2020 – La Gomera: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
6.03.2020: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings March 6th, 2020 – La Gomera: Today, we saw a Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose »»»
28.02.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera February 28th, 2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
22.02.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera February 22nd, 2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
13.02.2020: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings February 13th, 2020 La Gomera: Today we saw, after quite some time without seeing them, the shy Striped dolphins »»»
8. – 11.02.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings February 8th till 11th, 2020 Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: On all four days we saw Atlantic spotted »»»
2.02.2020: Bottlenose dolphins Sightings January 2nd, 2020 – Valle Gran Rey / Whale Watching: Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
26.01.2020: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & many Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings January 26th, 2020: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins and many Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
20.01.2020: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings January 20th, 2020 – La Gomera: Today we enjoyed the sitghtings of Pilot whales and lots of Atlantic spotted »»»
16.01.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings January 16th, 2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
30.12.2019: a huge pod of Bottlenose dolphins & Los Organos Sightings of December 30th, 2019 – Valle Gran Rey: a huge group of Bottlenose Dolphins and Los Organos. »»»
23.12.2019: a huge Orca male, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings December 23rd, 2019 – La Gomera: Guests on board the Speedy boat enjoyed an early christmas gift today – »»»
19.12.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings December 19th, 2019: Today we Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
17.12.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & a Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings December 17th, 2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
NO SPEEDY tours during December 2nd until 12th, 2019 The SPEEDY BOAT WON’T OFFER tours during December 2nd and December 12th 2019. The next tour will be on December »»»
21.11.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings November 21st, 2019 La Gomera: Bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
14.-17.11.2019: Short-finned pilot whales Sightings November 14th till 17th, 2019: Short-finned pilot whales. »»»
7.11.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & a Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings November 7th, 2019: During todays whale watching excursion we saw Bottlenose dolphins together with playful Pilot whales, as well »»»
4.11.2019: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings from November 4th, 2019: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
15.10.2019: Bryde’s whale with calf & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings October 15th, 2019 – La Gomera: today we saw a A Bryde’s whale with her calf and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
9.10.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera October 9th, 2019: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
Next Speedy tour on Wednesday October 9th, 2019 We are happy to inform that the SPEEDY boat is back from the dry dock. As of Wednesday October 9th, »»»
As of 9.09. SPEEDY on the shipyard for about 2-3 weeks As of September 9th, our Speedy Boat has been at the shipyard for 2 or 3 weeks to realise the »»»
2.09.2019: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings September 2nd, 2019 – Valle Gran Rey: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
26.08.2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & 2 Loggerhead sea turtles Sightings from August 26th, 2019 – Playa Santiago / La Gomera: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins and two Loggerhead sea turtles. »»»
25.08.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings August 25th, 2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
22.08.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings August 22nd, 2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
18.08.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings August 18th, 2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, a Loggerhead sea turtle, a shark fin and a whale’s blow »»»
13.08.2019: Spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Bryde’s whale & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings August 13th, 2019: Today we saw flying Atlantic spotted dolphins, jumping Pilot whales, a Loggerhead sea turtle and a »»»
12.08.2019: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtles Sightings 12.08.2019: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Loggerhead sea turtles. »»»
8.08.2019: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings from August 8th, 2019: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
6.08.2019: countless Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings August 6th, 2019: Today we saw various times countless Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
3.08.2019: 8 to 10 Sperm whales Sightings August 3rd, 2019: Today during the whale watching tour we got to observe a group of 8 to 10 »»»
1.08.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings August 1st, 2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
29.07.2019: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings from July 29th, 2019: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
28.07.2019: Rough-toothed, Striped, Common & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings July 28th, 2019: Today was dolphin day, we saw 4 different species: Rough-toothed dolphins, Striped dolphins, Common dolphins and »»»
24.07.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 24th, 2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
22.07.2019: Rough-toothed dolphins & many Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings July 22nd, 2019 – La Gomera: Today we encountered with Rough-toothed dolphins and many Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
17.07.2019: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings July 17th, 2019 – La Gomera: Today we enjoyed the sitghtings of Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
15.07.2019: Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings July 15th, 2019: Today we saw off the coast of Playa Santiago Bottlenose dolphin and Atlantic spotted dolphins, also »»»
12.07.2019: a Sperm whale, Striped dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings July 12th, 2019: Today once again we got to observe a wonderful Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Also we enjoyed »»»
11.07.2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings July 11th, 2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
10.07.2019: Rough-toothed dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings July 10th, 2019: Today the rarely seen but beautiful Rough-toothed dolphins showed up again and also Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
7.07.2019: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 7th, 2019: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
5.07.2019: Striped dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings July 5th, 2019 – Whale Watching La Gomera: Striped dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
4.07.2019: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 4th, 2018 La Gomera: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
2.07.: Cuvier’s beaked whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings July 2nd, 2019 – La Gomera: Today we saw Cuvier’s beaked whales again and also Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted »»»
1.07.2019: Cuvier’s beaked whales, Atlantic spotted & Pilot whales Sightings July 1st, 2019 – Playa Santiago / La Gomera: Today we got to see Cuvier’s beaked whales, Atlantic spotted »»»
30.06.2019: a Bryde’s whale, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings June 30th, 2019 – La Gomera: Today, we saw a Bryde’s whale, countless Atlantic spotted dolphins and many Pilot »»»
28. & 29.06.2019: Pilot whales, lots of Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings June 28th and 29th, 2019: Pilot whales, countless Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
26.06.2019: Pilot whales, playful Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings June 26th, 2019: Today we saw many Pilot whales, several groups of active Bottlenose dolphins, often near the pilot »»»
25.06.2019: two Bryde’s whales & a huge group of Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings June 25th, 2019 La Gomera: Today we saw two Bryde’s whales and a huge group of Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
6.06.2019: Pilot whales, lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings June 6th, 2019: Pilot whales, many Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins, at one point even all three species »»»
4.06.2019: Common dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings June 4th, 2019 – La Gomera: Common dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
1.06.2019: countless Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings June 1st, 2019 – La Gomera: countless Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
28.05.2019: Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 28th, 2019 – Valle Gran Rey: Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
27.05.2019: Common dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 27th, 2019 – Valle Gran Rey – La Gomera: Common dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
25.05.2019: many Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 25th, 2019 – La Gomera: today we saw lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
23.05.2019: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings May 23rd, 2019 – La Gomera: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
21.05.2019: 12 Sperm whales, Bottlenose and spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 21st, 2019 La Gomera: Today enjoyed once more a spectacular sighting, a pod of about 12 Sperm whales. »»»
19.05.2019: Bryde’s whales, dolphins, Pilot whales, sea turtle & Hammerhead sharks Sightings May 19th, 2019: a Bryde’s whale, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, a Loggerhead sea turtle and a few Hammerhead »»»
18.05.2019: Rough-toothed dolphins, Bottlenose and spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & sea turtles Sightings May 18th, 2019: many Rough-toothed dolphins, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Loggerhead sea turtles. »»»
17.05.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & many Pilot whales Sightings May 17th, 2019 – La Gomera: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and lots of Pilot whales. »»»
16.05.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 16th, 2019 La Gomera: Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
15.05.2017: Rough-toothed dolphins, Common dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 15th, 2019: Today we encountered with Rough-toothed dolphins, Common dolphins and Pilot whale. »»»
11.05.2019: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings May 11th, 2019 – Valle Gran Rey: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
9.05.2019: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings May 9th, 2019 – Valle Gran Rey: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
16.04.2019: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings April 16th, 2019 – Valle Gran Rey: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
15.04.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings April 15th, 2019 La Gomera: Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
1.04.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings April 1st, 2019 – La Gomera: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
30.03.2019:Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtles Sightings March 30th, 2019: Today, during the whale watching tour we saw Pilot whales and Loggerhead sea turtles. »»»
23.03.2019: Common dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings March 23rd, 2019 – La Gomera: Common dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
19.03.2019: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings March 19th, 2019 – La Gomera: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
18.03.2019: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings March 18th, 2019 – La Gomera: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
10.03.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings March 10th, 2019: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
2.03.2019: Common dolphins Sightings March 2nd, 2019 Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Today we saw Common dolphins. »»»
1.03.2019: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings March 1st, 2019 – La Gomera: Today, we saw two Bryde’s whales, a mother and her calf, Pilot whales, »»»
25.02.2019: Bryde’s whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings February 25th, 2019 La Gomera: Bryde’s whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
19.02.2019: Bryde’s whales, Cuvier’s beaked whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings February 19th, 2019 – La Gomera: Bryde’s whales, Cuvier’s beaked whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
10.02.2019: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings February 10th, 2019 La Gomera: Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
09.02.2019: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales, Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings February 9th, 2018 La Gomera: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
03.02.2019: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings February 3rd, 2019 La Gomera: Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
31.01.2019: Sperm whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings January 31st, 2018 La Gomera: January says goodbye with the sighting of many Sperm whales, Pilot whales and Bottlenose »»»
21.-27.01.2019: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Bryde´s whales & sea turtle Sightings last week (21. al 27.01.2019) La Gomera: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Bryde´s whales and a Loggerhead sea »»»
17.01.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings January 17th, 2019: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
03.01.2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings January 3rd, 2019 Valle Gran Rey – La Gomera: During the first tour of the year we met Pilot »»»
27.12.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bryde’s whale Sightings December 27th, 2018 La Gomera: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins (feeding on sardines) and a Bryde’s whale. »»»
24.12.2018: Merry Christmas The Excursiones Tina and Speedy Gomera team wishes you happy holidays. »»»
11.12.2018: Bryde’s whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings December 11th, 2018 La Gomera: Bryde´s whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
9.12.2018: two playful Bryde’s whales Sightings December 9th, 2018 – La Gomera: today we saw during ourv Speedy whale waychingtour two playful Bryde’s whales very »»»
4.12.2018: Short-finned pilot whales Sightings December 4th, 2018: Today we saw many Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), called shortly Pilot whales. »»»
2.12.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Flying fish Sightings December 2nd, 2018: Today we saw Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins and a Flying fish. »»»
28. & 29.11.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings November 28th and 29th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
26. & 27.11.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings November 26th and 27th, 2018: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
20. & 21.11.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey Sightings November 20th & 21st, 2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, a Loggerhead sea turtle and an Osprey. »»»
17. & 18.11. Bad weather with high waves On November 17th and 18th we had to cancel all excursions due to bad weather and strong waves. At the »»»
15. & 16.11.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings November 15th & 16th, 2018: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
7.11.2018: four Fin whales & Pilot whales Sightings November 7th, 2018: today we got to enjoy some of the second largest whales on earth – four Fin »»»
4.11.2018: about 20 Sperm whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings November 4th, 2018 La Gomera: today, again Sperm whales, this time a group of approximately 20 Sperm whales, together »»»
29.10. to 3.11.2018: all days Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings October 29th to November 3rd, 2018: during all days and all excursions we encountered with Pilot whales and Bottlenose »»»
28.10.2018: a Humpback whale with Pilot Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins Sightings October 28th, 2018: today we had an awesome sighting – a humpback whale off the coast of Valle Gran »»»
25.10.2018: 5 Sperm whales, Pilot Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins Sightings October 25th, 2018 La Gomera: Today we encountered with 5 Sperm whales, as well as Pilot whales and Bottlenose »»»
23.10.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings October 23rd, 2018: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
21.10.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whale & Bottlenose dolphin Sightings October 21st, 2018 – La Gomera: today we saw a curious Bryde’s whale turning around very close to the »»»
18. / 19. / 20.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings October 18th, 19th and 20th, 2018: Every day we saw Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
13.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings October 13th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
11.10.2018: Pilot whales Sightings October 11th, 2018: Pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). »»»
10.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins Sightings October 10th, 2018 – Valle Gran Rey / Whale Watching: Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
8.10.2018: about 20 Sperm whales, Pilot Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins Sightings October 8th, 2018 Playa Santiago / La Gomera: Today we saw during each of the first two excursions a »»»
07.10.2018: Cuvier’s beaked whale & shark of about 3 meters Sightings October 7th, 2018 – La Gomera: a Cuvier’s beaked whale and a shark of about 3 meters. »»»
05.10.2018: Bryde’s whale & Pilot whale Sightings October 5th, 2018: Bryde’s whale and Pilot whales. »»»
3.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings October 3rd, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
2.10.2018: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings October 2nd, 2018 – Valle Gran Rey: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
29.09.2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose, Striped & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings September 29th, 2018 – La Gomera: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Striped dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
24.09.2018: Striped dolphins, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings September 24th, 2018 Playa Santiago – La Gomera: Striped dolphins, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
21.09.2018: Common dolphins, Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales and other dolphins Sightings September 21st, 2018 La Gomera: Common dolphins, Bryde´s whales, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
18.09.2018: Bryde’s whales & Striped dolphins Sightings September 18th, 2018 – La Gomera: Bryde’s whales and Striped dolphins. »»»
16.09.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings September 16th, 2018 La Gomera: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
15.09.2018: 4 Common Minke whales, 2 Bryde´s whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings September 15th, 2018 – La Gomera: today we saw a group of 4 Common Minke whales, two Bryde´s whales, »»»
13.09.2018: Rough-toothed dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings September 13th, 2018: Rough-toothed dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
12.09.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings September 12h, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
7. to 9.09.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings September 7th till 9th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
06.09.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whale & Bottlenose dolphin Sightings September 6th, 2018 – Playa Santigo: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whale & Bottlenose dolphin. »»»
5.09.2018: Rough-toothed dolphins together with Pilot whales & Common dolphins Sightings September 5th, 2018: Today, during the first tour we met a pod of Rough-toothed dolphins with about 50 animals »»»
4.09.2018: Common dolphins Sightings September 4th, 2018 Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Today we saw many Common dolphins. »»»
3.09.2018: many Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings September 3rd, 2018 off the coast of Playa Santiagos: during our first tour we saw many Pilot whales and »»»
2.09.2018: Bryde’s whale & Striped dolphins Sightings September 2nd, 2018 – La Gomera: Today we saw one Bryde’s whale and lots of Striped dolphins. »»»
01.09.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & a Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings September 1st, 2018: Today, during the whale watching excursion we spotted many Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales, as well »»»
28.08.2018: Bryde’s whale together with Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings August 28th, 2018: Today we saw a Bryde’s whale together with Pilot whales, who came pretty close to the »»»
25. & 26.08.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings August 25th and 26th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins et Pilot whales. »»»
24.08.2018: Cuvier’s beaked whales, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings August 24th, 2018: Today there was a lot to observe off La Gomera, especially the rare Cuvier’s beaked whales. »»»
20.08.2018: Orcas (Killer whales) & Pilot whales Sightings August 20th, 2018: what a sensational Sighting…. a pod of Orcas (Killer whales) showing up pretty close off the »»»
17. & 18.08.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings August 17th and 18th, 2018: a Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
16.08.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings August 16th, 2018 Valle Gran Rey: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
14.08.2018: Bryde’s whales, Blainville’s beaked whales, Striped dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings August 14th, 2018 – La Gomera: Bryde’s whale with her calf, Blainville’s beaked whales, Striped dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
13.08.2018: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings August 13th, 2018 Playa Santiago / La Gomera: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
10.& 11.08.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings August 10th and 11th, 2018 La Gomera: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
8.08.2018: huge Bryde’s whales, very active Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings August 8th, 2018: Today we encountered with very active Bottlenose dolphins, first jumping like crazy and later whilst making »»»
6. & 7.08.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings August 6th and 7th, 2018 La Gomera: lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
4.08.2018: Common dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings August 4th, 2018: Common dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
03.08.2018: Striped dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings August 3rd, 2018: Striped dolphins and Atlantic spotted adolphins. »»»
02.08.2018: Striped dolphins, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings August 2nd, 2018 La Gomera: Striped dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
1.08.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings August 1st, 2018 La Gomera: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
31.07.2018: Bryde’s whale with calf, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 31st, 2018: Today, during our first tour we saw Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins and during the second »»»
28.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings July 28th,, 2018 Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
26.07.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings July 26th, 2018 Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
25.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 25th, 2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
24.07.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 24th, 2018: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
23.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 23rd, 2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
19.07.2018: a huge Sperm whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 19th, 2018: Today we saw a huge Sperm whale, as said our captain José Manuel the biggest he »»»
18.07.2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings July 18th, 2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
16.07.2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings off Playa Santiago July 16th, 2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
14.07.2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Sea turtles Sightings July 14th, 2018: Today we saw Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Loggerhead sea »»»
11.-13.07.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings from July 11th to 13th, 2018: All three days we saw during all tours Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
9.07.2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings off Playa Santiago July 9th, 2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
5. – 7.07.2018: many Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings July 5th, 6th and 7th, 2018: All days we saw Atlantic spotted dolphins, there were many of them in »»»
4.07.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings La Gomera July 4th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
2. & 3.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings July 2nd and 3rd, 2018: Both days, during our whale watching tours we encountered with Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose »»»
1.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings in Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera July 1st, 2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
30.06.2018 – Tours to Los Organos June 30th, 2018: Today we were able to offer the Los Organos tour. The sea and the wind conditions were »»»
10.-27.06.2018: Sperm whales, Cuvier’s beaked whale, Rough-toothed dolphins, Striped & Fraser’s dolphins Summary of sightings between June 10th to 27th: besides our almost daily sightings, which are Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins »»»
26.06.2018: Fraser’s dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings June 26th, 2018: First we met our daily companions, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins, but the »»»
25.06.2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings in Playa Santiago / La Gomera June 25th, 2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
8.06.2018: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings June 8th, 2018 La Gomera: Striped dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
5.06.2018: Fraser’s dolphins, also known as Sarawak dolphins and more Sightings June 5th, 2018: Spectacular… today we got to enjoy an extremely rare sighting of a group of Fraser’s dolphins »»»
4.06.2018: 10 Sperm whales, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings June 4th, 2018: Today was once again a very special day… during the whale watching tour with the Speedy »»»
2. & 3.06.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings June 2nd and 3rd, 2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
30.05.2018: playfully Bottlenose dolphins, many Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings May 30th, 2018: Today we encountered with very playfully jumping Bottlenose dolphins, many Atlantic spotted dolphins and a Loggerhead »»»
29.05.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings May 29th, 2018: Today we saw during both of our tours starting from Valle Gran Rey Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic »»»
28.05.2018: Hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings May 28th, 2018: Hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
26.05.2018: a dead Minke whale in the port of Valle Gran Rey May 26th, 2018 Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Today a dead Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), of about 8 metres, »»»
24. + 25.05.2018: Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey Sightings May 24th and 25th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, a Loggerhead sea turtle and an Osprey. »»»
23.05.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 23th, 2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
22.05.2018: Los Organos / Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 22nd, 2018: first we went to see Los Organos and later during the whale watching tour we saw »»»
19. & 20.05.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings May 19th and 20th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
17.05.2018: Bryde´s whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings May 17th, 2018: Bryde´s whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
16.05.2018: Pilot whales, Albatross & a Loggerhead sea turtle freed from trash Sightings May 16th, 2018 La Gomera: Pilot whales, an Albatross and a Loggerhead sea turtle which we had to free »»»
15.05.2018: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Albatrosses Sightings May 15th, 2018 La Gomera: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales and various Albatrosses. »»»
14.05.2018: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 14th, 2018: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins as well as Pilot whales. »»»
13.05.2018: Pilot whales, three Loggerhead sea turtles & Osprey Sightings May 13th, 2018: Pilot whales, Loggerhead sea turtles and an Osprey. »»»
12.05.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera May 12th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
Speedy is back at service as of 8.05. The Speedy boat is back in Valle Gran Rey and as of tomorrow, Tuesday 8th, back at service. We are »»»
24.04.2018 – Speedy at the shipyard for a few days As of 24.04.2018 our Speedy boat will be at the shipyard for a few days to take care of the »»»
19.04.2018: Sperm whales, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings April 19th, 2018: Today we saw various Sperm whales together with Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins, as well as »»»
15.04.2018: many Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings La Gomera April 15th, 2018: today we saw many Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
14.04.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera April 14th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales. »»»
13.04.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera April 13th, 2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
02.04.2018: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings La Gomera April 2nd, 2018: Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
31.03.2018: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Striped dolphins Sightings March 31st, 2018 – Whale Watching La Gomera: Common dolphins, hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins and Striped dolphins. »»»
29.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera March 29th, 2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
27.03.2018: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings March 27th, 2018: Common dolphins, hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
26.03.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera March 26th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales »»»
24.03.2018: Bryde´s whales, Common and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Ospreys Sightings 24.03.2018: various Bryde´s whales, Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and two Ospreys. »»»
18.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings March 18th, 2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
12.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera March 12th, 2018: a huge pod of Atlantic spotted dolphins, a few Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
5. & 9.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings March 5th and 9th, 2018: countless Atlantic spotted dolphins (lat: Stenella frontalis). »»»
25.02. – 4.03.2018: all Speedy tours cancelled due to bad weather From February 25th to March 4th we canceled all Speedy tours due to the bad weather and the extreme swell. »»»
20.02.2018: Pilot whales, Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings 20.02.2018: Pilot whales, countless Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
17.02.: Many different types of dolphins, Pilot whales & a Leatherback sea turtle Sightings February 17th, 2018 – La Gomera: Today we saw many dolphins, such as Common dolphins, Atlantic spoted dolphins, Bottlenose »»»
12.02.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings February 12th, 2018: After some time without sighting big whales, today we saw a a Bryde’s whale again. Also »»»
22.01.2018: Common dolphins, Pilot whales & Osprey Sightings January 22nd, 2018 – Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Common dolphins, Pilot whales and an Osprey. »»»
4.01.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera January 4th, 2018: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
29.12.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera December 29th, 2017: various pods of Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
17.12.2017: Hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings December 17, 2017: Hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
16.12.2017: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings La Gomera December 16th, 2017: various groups of Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
14.12.2017: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings La Gomera December 14th, 2017: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
10.12.2017: many Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Osprey Sightings La Gomera December 10th, 2017: many Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins and an Osprey. »»»
20.11.2017: Bottlenose dolphins, Striped dolphins, Blainville’s beaked whale & Whale-shark Sightings November 20th, 2017: many Bottlenose dolphins very close to the coast of Valle Gran Rey, Striped dolphins, a Blainville’s »»»
18.11.2017: many Pilot whales Sightings November 18th, 2017: today we saw lots and lots of Pilot whales. »»»
16.11.2017: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sichtungen November 16th, 2017: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
13.11.2017: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Ospreys Sightings November 13th, 2017: Bottlenose dolphins, many Pilot whales and two Ospreys. »»»
11.11.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins Sigthings November 11th, 2017: lots and lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
30.10.2017: Sei whales & Bryde’s whales with calves, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings October 30th, 2017: today we saw nine big whales, two Sei whales and several Bryde’s whales with calves, also »»»
19.10.2017: Sperm whales, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings October 2017: Our guests from Playa Santiago saw Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales and our guests from »»»
24.09.2017: many Pilot whales Sightings September 24th, 2017: Many Pilot whales, the Short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus). »»»
18.09.2017: Blainville´s beaked whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings September 18th, 2017: Blainville´s beaked whales, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
17.09.2017: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings September 17th, 2017: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
11.09.2017: several groups of Sperm whales Sightings September 11th, 2017: today our guests on board got to enjoy a big show: several groups of Sperm whales. »»»
2.09.2017: Rough-toothed dolphins and Pilot whales Sightings September 2nd, 2017: Rough-toothed dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
1.09.2017: Three Sperm whales Sightings September 1st, 2017: Today we saw three Sperm whales, which stayed nearby the Speedy boat for quite some time. »»»
27.08.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings August 27, 2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
19.08.: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings August 19th, 2017: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
12.08.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings August 12th, 2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
8.08.2017: Sperm whales, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins Sightings August 8th, 2017: Sperm whales, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
3.08.2017: Striped dolphins, Rough-toothed dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings August 3rd, 2017: Striped dolphins, Rough-toothed dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
31.07.2017: Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 31st, 2017: Today we saw Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
29.07.2017: Striped dolphins, Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & more Sightings July 29th, 2017: During the first tour we saw Striped dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins and during the second tour »»»
27.07.2017: Risso’s dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 27th, 2017: During todays whale watching tour we encountered with Risso’s dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & »»»
23.07.: lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins Sigthings July 23rd, 2017: Today we saw two different pods of Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
13.07.: Bryde´s whales, Striped dolphins, Common dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sigthings 13.07.2017: Bryde´s whales, Striped dolphins, Common dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
10.07.: Fin whale with calf, Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey Sightings July 10th, 2017: Today our guests aboard the Speedy enjoyed a spectacular sighting: a giant Fin whale with her »»»
8.07.2017: Sperm whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings July 8th, 2017: Today our guests on board the Speedy boat got to enjoy one of these rare Sperm »»»
12.06.2017: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings July 12th, 2017: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
26.05.: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales Sigthigns 26.05.2017: Today we encountered with Striped dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
23.05.: Blowfish, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings May 23rd, 2017: Today we saw something special – a blowfish (Tetraodontidae) at the water surface, in defensive position, »»»
22.05.: playful Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 22nd,2017: During our tour from Playa Santiago today we saw many playful Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and »»»
21.05.: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turle & Osprey Sightings May 21st 2017: During the first trip many Pilot whales and during the second tour Bottlenose dolphins, a Loggerhead »»»
16.-20.05.: Dolphins, Pilot whales, Blainville´s beaked whales, Osprey & Manta ray Sightings during 16.-20. May 2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Blainville´s beaked whales, Osprey and one Manta ray. »»»
15.05.: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings May 15th 2017: Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
14.05.: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Hammerhead shark & Osprey Sightings May 14th, 2017: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, a Hammerhead shark and an Osprey. »»»
12.+13.05.: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings were the same on May 12th and 13th, 2017: On both days we encountered with hundreds of Atlantic spotted »»»
8.05.: Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings May 8th, 2017: a Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales »»»
6.05.: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle Sightings May 6th, 2017: Today we encountered with many dolphins, at first Atlantic spotted dolphins, many of them younger ones, »»»
29.04.: Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sightings April 29th, 2017: Today we saw a Bryde’s whale, many Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales, as well as a »»»
10.04.: Orcas (Killer whales), Dolphins & Beaked whales Sightings April 10th, April 2017: Today was a big surprise – a group of Orcas (also known as Killer whales) »»»
29.03.: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings March 29th, 2017: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
27.03.2017: Blainville’s beaked whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings March 27, 2017: Blainville’s beaked whales, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
20.03.: Ocean sunfish, Bryde’s whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey Sightings March 20th, 2017: Today our guests on board the Speedy got to enjoy a rare sighting: an Ocean sunfish! »»»
14.03.: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings March 14th, 2017: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
13.03.: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins Sightings march 13th, 2017: Today we saw Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins. »»»
6.03.: Bryde´s whale, Pilot whales, different dolphins, sea turtle & Osprey Sightings March 6th, 2017: Today was a spectacular day for our guests on boerd of the Speedy with great sightings: »»»
27.2.: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings February 27th, 2017: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
22.2.: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins, Sea turtle & Osprey Sightings from February 22nd, 2017: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, a Loggerhead sea turtle and an Osprey. »»»
6.2.2017: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtles Sightings February 6th, 2017: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and two Loggerhead sea turtles . »»»
30.01.2017: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings January 30th, 2017: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins . »»»
25.01.2017: Bryde’s whale and an Osprey Sightings January 25th, 2017: Bryde’s whale and an Osprey. »»»
23.1.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings from January 23rd, 2017: During todays excursion we encountered with Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
16.01.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Common dolphins Sightings from January 16th, 2017 – Whale Watching in La Gomera: hundreds of hunting Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and »»»
1.12.2016: Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings December 1st, 2016: Today there were two trips with the Speedy – during the first tour we saw Atlantic »»»
Whale Watching 21.11.2016: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins Whale Watching 21.11.: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
Sightings 14.11.2016: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins / La Gomera Our sightings from November 14th: Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
26.09.2016: Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bryde’s whale Sightings September 26th, 2016: Today we had two trips with the Speedy – during the first tour we saw Bottlenose »»»
Sightings 5.09.2016: Pilot whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle Our sightings from September 5th: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
La Gomera 1.09.2016: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings September 1st: Today we got to see Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
Sighting 30.08.2016: Pilot whales Sigthings August 30th, Whale Watching: Today, a group of Pilot whales came very close to our boat therefore our guests »»»
Sighting 29.08.2016: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins Sightings 29.08.2016: During todays Whale Watching tour our guests on board of Speedy enjoyed sighting Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bottlenose »»»
17.08.2016: Striped dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bryde´s whale & Ospreys Sightings 17.08. Whale Watching Valle Gran Rey / La Gomera: Striped dolphins, countless Pilot whales together with Atlantic spotted dolphins, »»»
Sighting 11.08.2016: Bryde’s whale, hundreds of Bottelnose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings August 11th Whale Watching: A Bryde’s whale, hundreds of Bottelnose dolphins, lots of them very playful, and Pilot whales. »»»
Sightings 4.04.2016: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Common Dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings 4.04. Atlantic spotted dolphins, Common Dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
Sightings 22.02.2016: Common Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins & Pilot whales Today we got to see common dolphins, two groups of bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales. »»»
Sighting 29.01.2016: hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales It was an awesome show which the guests on board of the Speedy boat could experience today. Shortly after leaving »»»
Sightings 18th January 2016: Bryde’s whales, Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins They are still here these gentle giants… Today we sighted three Bryde’s whales, also Bottlenose dolphins and innumerable Atlantic spotted »»»
Sightings 3rd January 2016: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins The new year starts with some gorgeous sightings off the coast of La Gomera – Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. »»»
Sightings 27th April 2015: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and a Loggerhead sea turtle Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and a Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
25th April 2015: Blainville’s beaked whales, Common dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle and Osprey Sightings 25th April Valle Gran Rey: Blainville’s beaked whales, Common dolphins, a Loggerhead sea turtle and an Osprey. »»»
Sighting 4.04.2015 – Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins Today the guests on board of Speedy enjoyed a nice Whale Watching tour with sightings of Pilot whales and Atlantic »»»
Sighting 28.03.2015 – A Bryde’s Whale, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins Sighting 28.03. – A Bryde’s Whale, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins. »»»
22.06.2014 – Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle Sighting 22.06 – Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle. »»»
Sightings 6. June 2014: Striped Dolphin & Pilot whales Sightings 6. June: Striped Dolphin & Pilot whales. »»»
Sighting 3. May 2014: Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins & Bryde’s whale Sighting 3. May: Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins & Bryde’s whale. »»»
Sightings 2. May 2014: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales Sightings 2. May: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales. »»»
Sightings Thursday 1. May 2014: Atlantic Spotted Solphins & Bryde’s whales Sightings Thursday 1. May: Atlantic Spotted Solphins & Bryde’s whales. »»»