Sightings November 20th, 2017: many Bottlenose dolphins very close to the coast of Valle Gran Rey, Striped dolphins, a Blainville’s beaked whale and a Whale-shark with a length of 8 to 9 meters.
photos: thanks to Jacqueline Baldin!
Recent sightings off the coast of La Gomera
- Speedy boat & Crew on holidays between 21.06. until 27.07.2022
- 05.02.2022: five Bryde’s whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 29.01.2022: Pilot whales
- 22. & 23.12..2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 15.12.2021: Tour to Los Organos
- 13.12.2021: Pilot whales
- 2. & 5.12.2021: Pilot whales
- Speedy out of order between November 22nd till 30th 2021
- 19.11.2021: Pilot whales
- 18.11.2021: Pilot whales & later Los Organos
- 12.11.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & saved Shearwater
- 11.11.2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & a dead Sperm whale
- 7.11.2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & one Beaked whale
- 28.10.2021: Pilot whales, Striped dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.10.2021: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 23.10.2021: Pilot whales
- 17.10.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Beaked whales
- 1.10.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 30.09.2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 24.09.2021: Pilot whales
- 23.09.2021: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 22.09.2021: Bottlenose dolphins
- 20.09.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17.09.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Leatherback sea turtle & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 16.09.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 4.09.2021: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 23.08.2021: Striped, Bottlenose and Spotted dolphins, a Bryde’s whale & Pilot whales
- 22.08.2021: Pilot whales
- 19.08.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15. – 18.08.2021: Rough-toothed dolphins, Bottlenose & Striped dolphins, Bryde’s whale & Pilot whales
- 06.08.2021: Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Hammerhead shark
- 03.08.2021: Pilot whales in Argaga Bay & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 26.07.2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14. – 17.07.2021: Bottlenose, Spotted, Striped dolphins, Bryde’s whale & Pilot whales
- 17.06.2021: Pilot whales & a dead calf
- 10.06.2021: Pilot whales, Loggerhead sea turtle & two Ospreys
- 7.06.2021: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Osprey
- 03.06.2021: Pilot whales right next to the boat
- 31.05.2021: Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & sea turtle
- 27.05.2021: Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.05.2021: Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & two Ospreys
- 19. & 20.05.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 15.05.2021: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 8.05.2021: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & a Loggerhead sea turtle
- 1.05.2021: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.04.2021: Bryde’s whale, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 30.01.2021: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 22. & 24.01.2021: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 19.01.2021: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 14.01.2021: Pilot whales
- 30.12.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 22.12.2020: Tour to Los Organos
- 21.12.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 19.12.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 18.12.2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 13.12.2020: Tour to Los Organos
- 10.12.2020: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 09.12.2020: Pilot whales
- 7. & 8.12.2020: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17. / 18. / 21.11.2020: Tour to Los Organos
- 20.11.2020: Pilot whales
- 16. & 17.11.2020: Pilot whales
- 12.11.2020: Pilot whales
- 9. & 10.11.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 5.11.2020: many Pilot whales
- 16.10.2020: Tour to Los Organos
- 31.08. & 2.09.2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 2.09.2020: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Los Organos
- 29.08.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & a Leatherback sea turtle
- 24.08.2020: lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 22.08.2020: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 18.08.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.08.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 12.08.2020: Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Osprey
- 11.08.2020: Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 7.08.2020: Los Organos, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 27.07.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 20.07.2020: Bryde’s whale with calf, Loggerhead sea turtles & jumping tunas
- 18.07.2020: Los Organos / Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 13.07.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 7.07.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 3.07.2020 – first tour: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 12.03.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 11.03.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 9.03.2020: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 6.03.2020: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 3.03.2020: Pilot whales
- 1.03.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 28.02.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 22.02.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.02.2020: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 8. – 11.02.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 2.02.2020: Bottlenose dolphins
- 26.01.2020: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & many Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 20.01.2020: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 16.01.2020: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 30.12.2019: a huge pod of Bottlenose dolphins & Los Organos
- 23.12.2019: a huge Orca male, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 19.12.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 17.12.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & a Loggerhead sea turtle
- NO SPEEDY tours during December 2nd until 12th, 2019
- 28.11.2019: Pilot whales
- 21.11.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 18.11.2019: Short-finned pilot whales
- 14.-17.11.2019: Short-finned pilot whales
- 7.11.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & a Loggerhead sea turtle
- 4.11.2019: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 15.10.2019: Bryde’s whale with calf & Bottlenose dolphins
- 9.10.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Next Speedy tour on Wednesday October 9th, 2019
- As of 9.09. SPEEDY on the shipyard for about 2-3 weeks
- 2.09.2019: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26.08.2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & 2 Loggerhead sea turtles
- 25.08.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 22.08.2019: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 18.08.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 13.08.2019: Spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Bryde’s whale & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 12.08.2019: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtles
- 9.08.2019: Pilot whales
- 8.08.2019: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 6.08.2019: countless Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 3.08.2019: 8 to 10 Sperm whales
- 1.08.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 29.07.2019: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 28.07.2019: Rough-toothed, Striped, Common & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 24.07.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.07.2019: Rough-toothed dolphins & many Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 17.07.2019: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15.07.2019: Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 12.07.2019: a Sperm whale, Striped dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 11.07.2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle
- 10.07.2019: Rough-toothed dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 7.07.2019: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 5.07.2019: Striped dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 4.07.2019: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 2.07.: Cuvier’s beaked whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 1.07.2019: Cuvier’s beaked whales, Atlantic spotted & Pilot whales
- 30.06.2019: a Bryde’s whale, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 28. & 29.06.2019: Pilot whales, lots of Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 26.06.2019: Pilot whales, playful Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.06.2019: two Bryde’s whales & a huge group of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 6.06.2019: Pilot whales, lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 4.06.2019: Common dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 1.06.2019: countless Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 28.05.2019: Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 27.05.2019: Common dolphins & Pilot whales
- 25.05.2019: many Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 23.05.2019: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 21.05.2019: 12 Sperm whales, Bottlenose and spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 19.05.2019: Bryde’s whales, dolphins, Pilot whales, sea turtle & Hammerhead sharks
- 18.05.2019: Rough-toothed dolphins, Bottlenose and spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & sea turtles
- 17.05.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & many Pilot whales
- 16.05.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 15.05.2017: Rough-toothed dolphins, Common dolphins & Pilot whales
- 11.05.2019: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 9.05.2019: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 16.04.2019: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15.04.2019: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 8.04.2019: Short-finned pilot whales
- 1.04.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 30.03.2019:Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtles
- 23.03.2019: Common dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 19.03.2019: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 18.03.2019: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 10.03.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 2.03.2019: Common dolphins
- 1.03.2019: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.02.2019: Bryde’s whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 19.02.2019: Bryde’s whales, Cuvier’s beaked whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 10.02.2019: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 09.02.2019: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales, Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 03.02.2019: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 31.01.2019: Sperm whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 21.-27.01.2019: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Bryde´s whales & sea turtle
- 17.01.2019: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 03.01.2019: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 27.12.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bryde’s whale
- 24.12.2018: Merry Christmas
- 11.12.2018: Bryde’s whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 9.12.2018: two playful Bryde’s whales
- 4.12.2018: Short-finned pilot whales
- 2.12.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Flying fish
- 28. & 29.11.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26. & 27.11.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 20. & 21.11.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey
- 17. & 18.11. Bad weather with high waves
- 15. & 16.11.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.11.2018: Pilot whales
- 10.11.2018: many Pilot whales
- 7.11.2018: four Fin whales & Pilot whales
- 4.11.2018: about 20 Sperm whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 29.10. to 3.11.2018: all days Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 28.10.2018: a Humpback whale with Pilot Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins
- 25.10.2018: 5 Sperm whales, Pilot Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins
- 23.10.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 21.10.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whale & Bottlenose dolphin
- 18. / 19. / 20.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 11.10.2018: Pilot whales
- 10.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins
- 8.10.2018: about 20 Sperm whales, Pilot Whales & Bottlenose Dolphins
- 07.10.2018: Cuvier’s beaked whale & shark of about 3 meters
- 05.10.2018: Bryde’s whale & Pilot whale
- 3.10.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 2.10.2018: Common dolphins, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 29.09.2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose, Striped & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 24.09.2018: Striped dolphins, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 21.09.2018: Common dolphins, Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales and other dolphins
- 18.09.2018: Bryde’s whales & Striped dolphins
- 16.09.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15.09.2018: 4 Common Minke whales, 2 Bryde´s whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 13.09.2018: Rough-toothed dolphins & Pilot whales
- 12.09.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 7. to 9.09.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 06.09.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whale & Bottlenose dolphin
- 5.09.2018: Rough-toothed dolphins together with Pilot whales & Common dolphins
- 4.09.2018: Common dolphins
- 3.09.2018: many Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 2.09.2018: Bryde’s whale & Striped dolphins
- 01.09.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & a Loggerhead sea turtle
- 28.08.2018: Bryde’s whale together with Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25. & 26.08.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 24.08.2018: Cuvier’s beaked whales, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 21.08.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 20.08.2018: Orcas (Killer whales) & Pilot whales
- 17. & 18.08.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 16.08.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 15.08.2018: Pilot whales
- 14.08.2018: Bryde’s whales, Blainville’s beaked whales, Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.08.2018: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 10.& 11.08.2018: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 8.08.2018: huge Bryde’s whales, very active Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 6. & 7.08.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 4.08.2018: Common dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 03.08.2018: Striped dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 02.08.2018: Striped dolphins, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 1.08.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 31.07.2018: Bryde’s whale with calf, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 28.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26.07.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 25.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 24.07.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 23.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 19.07.2018: a huge Sperm whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 18.07.2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 16.07.2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.07.2018: Blainville’s beaked whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Sea turtles
- 11.-13.07.2018: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 10.07.2018: Bottlenose dolphins
- 9.07.2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 5. – 7.07.2018: many Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 4.07.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 2. & 3.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 1.07.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 30.06.2018 – Tours to Los Organos
- 10.-27.06.2018: Sperm whales, Cuvier’s beaked whale, Rough-toothed dolphins, Striped & Fraser’s dolphins
- 26.06.2018: Fraser’s dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.06.2018: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 8.06.2018: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 5.06.2018: Fraser’s dolphins, also known as Sarawak dolphins and more
- 4.06.2018: 10 Sperm whales, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 2. & 3.06.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 30.05.2018: playfully Bottlenose dolphins, many Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 29.05.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 28.05.2018: Hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 26.05.2018: a dead Minke whale in the port of Valle Gran Rey
- 24. + 25.05.2018: Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey
- 23.05.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 22.05.2018: Los Organos / Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 19. & 20.05.2018: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 17.05.2018: Bryde´s whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 16.05.2018: Pilot whales, Albatross & a Loggerhead sea turtle freed from trash
- 15.05.2018: Striped dolphins, Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Albatrosses
- 14.05.2018: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.05.2018: Pilot whales, three Loggerhead sea turtles & Osprey
- 12.05.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Speedy is back at service as of 8.05.
- 24.04.2018 – Speedy at the shipyard for a few days
- 19.04.2018: Sperm whales, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 15.04.2018: many Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.04.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.04.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 02.04.2018: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 31.03.2018: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Striped dolphins
- 29.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 27.03.2018: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26.03.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 24.03.2018: Bryde´s whales, Common and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Ospreys
- 18.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 12.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 5. & 9.03.2018: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 25.02. – 4.03.2018: all Speedy tours cancelled due to bad weather
- 20.02.2018: Pilot whales, Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17.02.: Many different types of dolphins, Pilot whales & a Leatherback sea turtle
- 12.02.2018: Bryde’s whale, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 22.01.2018: Common dolphins, Pilot whales & Osprey
- 4.01.2018: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 29.12.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 17.12.2017: Hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 16.12.2017: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 14.12.2017: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 10.12.2017: many Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins & Osprey
- 20.11.2017: Bottlenose dolphins, Striped dolphins, Blainville’s beaked whale & Whale-shark
- 18.11.2017: many Pilot whales
- 16.11.2017: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 13.11.2017: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Ospreys
- 11.11.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 30.10.2017: Sei whales & Bryde’s whales with calves, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 19.10.2017: Sperm whales, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 24.09.2017: many Pilot whales
- 18.09.2017: Blainville´s beaked whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17.09.2017: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 11.09.2017: several groups of Sperm whales
- 2.09.2017: Rough-toothed dolphins and Pilot whales
- 1.09.2017: Three Sperm whales
- 27.08.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 19.08.: Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 12.08.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 8.08.2017: Sperm whales, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins
- 3.08.2017: Striped dolphins, Rough-toothed dolphins & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 31.07.2017: Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 29.07.2017: Striped dolphins, Rough-toothed dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & more
- 27.07.2017: Risso’s dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 23.07.: lots of Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 13.07.: Bryde´s whales, Striped dolphins, Common dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 10.07.: Fin whale with calf, Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey
- 8.07.2017: Sperm whale, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 12.06.2017: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 26.05.: Striped dolphins & Pilot whales
- 23.05.: Blowfish, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.05.: playful Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 21.05.: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Loggerhead sea turle & Osprey
- 16.-20.05.: Dolphins, Pilot whales, Blainville´s beaked whales, Osprey & Manta ray
- 15.05.: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 14.05.: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Hammerhead shark & Osprey
- 12.+13.05.: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 8.05.: Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Pilot whales
- 6.05.: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- 29.04.: Bryde’s whale, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales & Loggerhead Sea Turtle
- 10.04.: Orcas (Killer whales), Dolphins & Beaked whales
- 29.03.: Common dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- 27.03.2017: Blainville’s beaked whales, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 20.03.: Ocean sunfish, Bryde’s whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle & Osprey
- 14.03.: Bryde’s whales, Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 13.03.: Pilot whales & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- 6.03.: Bryde´s whale, Pilot whales, different dolphins, sea turtle & Osprey
- 27.2.: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.2.: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins, Sea turtle & Osprey
- 6.2.2017: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtles
- 30.01.2017: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 25.01.2017: Bryde’s whale and an Osprey
- 23.1.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- 16.01.2017: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins & Common dolphins
- 1.12.2016: Atlantic spotted and Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Whale Watching 21.11.2016: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins
- Sightings 14.11.2016: Pilot whales & Bottlenose dolphins / La Gomera
- 26.09.2016: Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Pilot whales & Bryde’s whale
- Sightings 5.09.2016: Pilot whales, Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- La Gomera 1.09.2016: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- Sighting 30.08.2016: Pilot whales
- Sighting 29.08.2016: Atlantic spotted dolphins & Bottlenose dolphins
- 17.08.2016: Striped dolphins, Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bryde´s whale & Ospreys
- Sighting 11.08.2016: Bryde’s whale, hundreds of Bottelnose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Sightings 4.04.2016: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Common Dolphins & Pilot whales
- Sightings 22.02.2016: Common Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins & Pilot whales
- Sighting 29.01.2016: hundreds of Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilot whales
- Sightings 18th January 2016: Bryde’s whales, Bottlenose & Atlantic spotted dolphins
- Sightings 3rd January 2016: Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins
- Sightings 27th April 2015: Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and a Loggerhead sea turtle
- 25th April 2015: Blainville’s beaked whales, Common dolphins, Loggerhead sea turtle and Osprey
- Sighting 4.04.2015 – Pilot whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins
- Sighting 28.03.2015 – A Bryde’s Whale, Pilot whales and Bottlenose dolphins
- 22.06.2014 – Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins & Loggerhead sea turtle
- Sightings 6. June 2014: Striped Dolphin & Pilot whales
- Sighting 3. May 2014: Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins & Bryde’s whale
- Sightings 2. May 2014: Bottlenose dolphins & Pilot whales
- Sightings Thursday 1. May 2014: Atlantic Spotted Solphins & Bryde’s whales